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Medical Records Review

Certified Legal Nurse Consulting plays a vital role in analyzing and understanding the medical aspects of a legal case.

This process includes examination of the medical records creating either a chronological review with emphasis on events and their involvement in the case theme.

Or documentation of the events and conditions surrounding them is separated into folders for further review by the attorney or expert of their choosing.

Medical Records Review May Include
  • Anaylzing Treatment
  • Provising Expert Opnion
  • Collaborating with Media Experts
  • Research using medical literature
  • Assisting in Case Strategy
  • Testifying as an Expert Witness

DME Observation

Certified Legal Nurse Consulting provides valuable insights to help ensure the integrity of the examination process.

The process includes preparation of the attorney’s client for Defense Medical Examinations, observe and audio record the proceedings, and provide a written report.

Written reports include references to audio by time stamp, saving attorneys time in locating key information. Physicians reports are also reviewed for discrepancies.

DME Observation May Include
  • Preparing the Plantiff
  • Reviewing Medical Records
  • Observing the Examination
  • Identifying Discrepancies
  • Documenting the DME Process
  • Testifying as an Expert Witness

Expert Witness Location

A Certified Legal Nurse Consultant is a crucial role in locating and screening expert witnesses.

Potential expert witnesses are screened based on their qualifications, their match to the area of specialty requested, and their availabilty.

A list of potential expert witnesses is then provided to counsel for review, possible interview and selection.

Expert Witness Location May Include
  • Having access to a network of medical experts
  • Identifying speciliaties relevant to the case
  • Screening potential expert witnesses
  • Determining if there is any bias or conflict of interest
  • Presents three experts to attorneys from which to choose

Developing Interogatories

Certified Legal Nurse Consultants are experts at identifying medical states, their signs and symptoms, and the relevant treatments.

Medically-relevant questions are developed to help with the discovery process so the specific information needed for the case is obtained.

This is achieved by understanding the case from the medical point-of-view.

Developing Interrogatories May Include
  • Analyzing medical records
  • Developing medically specific questions
  • Ensuring questions are legally compliant
  • Developing interrogatory reponses
  • Providing expert opinions


How can you help me and my case load?
  • My services can assist with analysis of medical records
  • I am there to help develop case strategy
  • I provide help with locating expert witnesses
  • I handle the time-consuming tasks, freeing you to focus on legal strategy, negotiations and court appearances
  • My services ultimately help save you time and money
What kinds of cases do you work on?
  • Medical malpractice
  • Personal injury
  • Product liability
  • Toxic tort
  • Worker’s compensation
  • Any case where medical records are involved
Why Should I Use Your Services Rather than an MD?
  • I provide access to a network of medical experts
  • My services are more cost effective than an MD
  • I am skilled in translating medical terminology to language understood by legal professionals and juries
  • I am familiar with the legal process
  • My presence is less intimidating to opposing counsel
  • My role is focused on the clinical and medical analysis
Do you work on cases representing the plaintiff or defense?
  • My expertise is not limited to cases for the plantiff or the defendent
  • I work on cases that represent either party

Client Trust


"When I received the DME report I was pleasantly surprised that it was far less biased than I had expected, ultimately contributing to a very good settlement. While I cannot know whether Evelyn's presence at the DME was responsible for the fairness of the report, this experience left me feeling very confident that I could rely on her for future DMEs."

– Cliff Weingus
McTernan, Stender & Weingus

"Thank you, Evelyn - hoping the case settles today, but we will have to wait and see. As always, you bring real value to the process on our side, particularly being able to provide input the day of the exam was helpful in forming my value of the case and being able to justify it both the defense counsel and to the client during the course of negotiations (which I hope wrap up today)! "

– Che Hashim
Law Office of Che Hashim